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Ministry & Mission

Being evangelical and orthodox we try to remain faithful to the meaning of those words. We believe that a full evangelical faith is orthodox and that a full orthodox faith is evangelical. How do you keep a faith alive and relevant and still hold true to its history and origin? The Church must change to remain the same. It is a living body and a continuous journey. In this paradox, this living tension, we find the energy for our work of being a mission to the broken parts of the world. Believing always calls us to fully live out our faith.

As a part of the Evangelical Orthodox Church, Holy Covenant nurtures and grows relationships with our sister churches. In the last 12 years, EOC has grown extensively in Eastern Africa and our clergy visit on a regular basis, trying to find ways to support and encourage people there and at home. We support micro-economic development on an ongoing basis. 



​There is great depth to pastoral work and different functions of ministry. We know that proper action and ministry to the broken flows from knowing who we are. Broken, yet healed in Christ. From this identity in Him flows different acts of ministry. Holy Covenant ministers to men, woman, youth and children, to the sick, the hungry and the lonely. We collaborate with other churches and institutions to stop injustice and oppression. We engage in ecumenical work and we help each other in our day to day life. Don't hesitate to contact the church at 306 - 6523339 if you need someone to talk to.




​We are a mission rather than "doing mission". As part of the body of Christ we are a part of His mandate to be the Father's mission of healing to the world. We believe that we are His hands and feet touching the world. This identity stirs faith into action which belong together. Holy Covenant is engaged in supporting communities in building churches, schools, medical clinics and micro economics in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, D.R. Congo and Kenya. We also try to identify and help people in our immediate context, our neighbors. This twofold approach of being God's hand and feet in the world testifies to the reality of the Church being both local and catholic. 

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